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Medium and Long-Term Holdings Business

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Medium and Long-Term Holdings Business

Medium and Long-Term Holdings Business

Even for older buildings that will require a significant makeover such as remodeling or redevelopment in the not so distant future, or buildings involving multiple owners or stakeholders, many challenges stand in the way.

We hold onto these types of buildings over a medium-and long-term timeframe and proactively engage in business that guides owners and stakeholders in the right direction.

During the holding period, we first secure structural durability and safety of a building, tenant leasing according to a reasonable assessment of use and strive to reduce operating costs.

By maintaining and improving the performance of a building as income property and securing a stable revenue stream over a medium-and long-term timeframe, it becomes possible for us to tackle difficult problems such as building consensus among owners and orderly disposition of interests.

Although this is a business with an inherently high degree of difficulty that requires a broad perspective and a sophisticated sense of balance that looks to harmonize the interests of stakeholders while keeping a sharp eye on the current situation and future prospects of a particular building and strives to maximize periodic income, we have positioned this business as our core domain, as it not only shapes our earnings structure by excluding the effects of market volatility to the extent possible but also contributes to greatly in terms social significance.

Medium and Long-Term Holdings Business
