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Business Investment Arrangement Business

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Case Introduction


Business Investment Arrangement Business


An overseas golf tool manufacturer, owning a prominent brand and being at a stage immediately prior to listing, requested the purchase of shares and acquisition of newly issued shares from the owner family’s enterprise in order to lower the ratio of shares held by the owner family, and in response, we provided a structure for acquiring these shares (*shares released from the owner family’s enterprise and shares newly issued by the subject company) in collaboration with an investor well-acquainted with the subject company.
We have been performing fund establishment activities such as planning and structuring a fund for acquiring and owning the shares, due diligence regarding the subject company, supporting negotiations with the subject company and the owner family’s enterprise, conferring with the lead managing securities company and audit corporation of the subject company, documentation, meeting the investment regulations of the country of location of the subject company, etc., and are also entrusted with the administration of the fund after its establishment and dispatching an outside director to the subject company.
This case was significant in terms of answering demands related to the capital policy of an enterprise at the stage immediately prior to listing and providing investors in Japan with an opportunity to invest in a growing overseas enterprise.


We obtained information that the owner of a conglomerate that has power plants in Europe intends to sell a thermal power plant, which is reaching its FIT term, together with the owning company and, in collaboration with a major law firm of the country of location of this company, provided an arrangement service for purchasing this company.
In addition to due diligence of the subject company, negotiations with the seller, documentation, meeting the investment regulations of the country of location of the subject company, negotiations with the financial institutions dealing with the subject company, KYC process, and closing process, we also perform such operations as organizational restructuring, value creation, etc., after purchase.