Greetings from President
Our company started with 20 employees in 2009, right after the global financial crisis, and we are now into our 15th year this year. Along the way, we have explored various forms of real estate business; today, with real estate rights coordination, renovation of older properties, development of newly constructed residences, and logistics warehouse business as our main focus, we have achieved a certain level of growth. I extend my sincere gratitude to all related companies for their kind support to make it possible.
The real estate industry has maintained good shape, supported by the long-term easing monetary policy. However, facing various changes in circumstances, such as the real estate price remaining high, the shift in lifestyles and work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the most recent hike in construction fees and costs of living, and the lack of human resources, I realize that our operation should be even more flexible in this situation.
We revised our mission statement in 2023 to make our operating and business policies flexibly accommodate such circumstance changes, to stick with our fundamental attitude as a corporation and continuously create added value, and to be a company where executives and employees can gain personal growth through business.
We continue to strive for steady growth and become a company that everyone concerned and society can count on; we appreciate your kind and continuous support.
Tokyo Asset Solution Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President and CEONobuaki Terashiki

Representative Director, President and CEONobuaki Terashiki